spsR: R package designed to help facilitate data collection for multi-country studies and implement Synthetic Purposive Sampling (SPS) introduced in Egami and Lee (2023+).

AdaptiveR: R package designed to helpĀ  implement an adaptive survey design with standard Bernoulli Thompson sampling introduced in Lee and Green (2023+).

IPWEstimators: R script that runs simulations to compare different IPW-estimators and Thompson sampling methods for an adaptive experiment [Report].


PredEthnorace: Python scripts and instructions on how to implement a hybrid ethnoracial prediction introduced in Lee and Yamil (2023+).

CollageMoi: Python function that creates a collage based on your own photos using RGB image similarity distance. Give it a try!


Diana in pile of books

2021 Comprehensive Exam Reading Note: My battle-scarred cheat sheet from the comprehensive exam for "the least amount of avoidable suffering for all" (Smart, 1958).